My skills
Langages : PHP Javascript / CoffeeScript
C++ C SQL Objective-C C#
CSS / SASS / Less
CSS / SASS / Less
Librairies : Laravel CakePHP Boostrap
Jquery Vue.js .Net phpunit
Jquery Vue.js .Net phpunit
Plateformes : Debian / Centos Nginx
Windows Apache IIS
Dovecot Postfix
Outils : GIT ZSH / BASH MYSQL workbench
GIMP SSH Visual Studio
Composer NPM / Yarn VSCODE
Libre Office Webpack
Windows Apache IIS
Dovecot Postfix
Outils : GIT ZSH / BASH MYSQL workbench
GIMP SSH Visual Studio
Composer NPM / Yarn VSCODE
Libre Office Webpack
My career

My end-of-year project included coding an embedded system in C (Texas chip), a website with web services, the creation of a server software in C # with IIS API, a client application in C # and the 'development of a communication protocol on the COM port. The system, a GPS tracker, needed to define the collected data in frames then compress them to normalize them and send them by SMS in particular.
I then went on to a professional license CIASIE (Design Integration of Applications and Web Services for the Company) formerly CISIIE which includes:
- Frontend design and integration on the client: production of adaptive web interfaces ("responsive").
- Programming web applications (JavaScript, Ajax, js frameworks).
- The "backend" design on the server: architecture, integration, security, framework-based design.
- Programming of mobile applications based on web technologies: HTML5 or hybrid applications, frameworks for mobility,
- web project management. Taking into account non-functional constraints: performance, safety, ergonomics, legal aspects.
So I had several projects in my charge:
- The creation of a self-taught IOS application.
- The creation of several websites and applications with the CakePHP framework including:
- A tailor-made mailing application that allows the import of contacts via a CSV file, then the sending of follow-up letters by incorporating PDF attachments and forms to be signed.
- Track bounces and statistics, all on a dedicated server with Postfix.
- A mailing campaign application with tailor-made templates.
- The maintenance, corrections and evolution of a CMS application made in SaaS made with CakePHP.
- Administration and configuration of dedicated SaaS servers.
- The creation of an interactive application in JS (CoffeScript) for mathematical formulas.
- Creation and maintenance of CMS type sites (Wordpress, etc.) on a dedicated server.
- The establishment of a working infrastructure for the design and deployment of projects with GIT and Redmine.
- Technical support for clients and definition of specifications for project completion.
At 28, I am now in the military and will soon be leaving the institution to return to the field of computer development.
With 5 years of experience in infantry, I have had many opportunities to work on the human side and in personnel management while accumulating certain responsibilities.
While continuing to train myself, it is naturally that in order to accomplish my reconversion I am looking for a company in the Le Mans surroundings, moreover I could benefit from a support financing in company as well as an additional training course of your choice thanks to the retraining service.
Do not hesitate to consult my CV or to contact me.